Web Project
Magda Pedace
CIRPS - Sapienza University of Rome
Web curator
Magda Pedace
CIRPS - Sapienza University of Rome
Graphics, production and post-production
Antonio Arzedi
Italian National Sound Archive
Lamberto Poggi
CIRPS multimedia and project consultant
Digital Sound Archive
Francesco Baldi
Italian National Sound Archive
Archive Research Consultant
Bianca Maria Zaccheo
Catia Poggi
Italian National Sound Archive
Thanks for contribution to:
National Television and Radio Company of Uzbekistan and Uzharchiv Agency in Tashkent which allowed the free use of folk audio - tracks inside section "Folk Melodies"
Photography House in Tashkent which allowed the free use of pictures inside section "Portraits"
Embassy of Republic of Uzbekistan in Italy
Mr. Jean During who allowed the free use of his property pictures
inside section "Persian influence "
Mr. Boris Golender who allowed the free use of his archive postcards inside section" Musical Instruments"
Mr. Gianluigi Ruggieri who offered precious details about Central Asian Theatre and Dance in his Degree Thesis
Sapienza University of Rome
Italian National Sound Archive