The lyric Kelmadì written by Sufi Uzbek poet Alisher Navoy (15th century) originated a famous gazhàl, a traditional classical song, where metrical correspondence betweeen text and music is full.

The song is part of a maqom from Ferghana, called Munojot, which means pray, but since a long time it has been performed as a single piece. The main themes of the lyric are the beloved's absence, the feeling of nostalgia, the atmosphere of waiting. All the lyric's proceeding is focused on the self and on inner feelings, excited by the beloved's lack. The theme's meaning is physical and mystical at the same time. Spiritual teaching by Sufism is here represented by the research path leading soul to absolute love. It was traditionally a men's song, but as a female Sufism spread about in Central Asia it has been gradually performed by female singers .


Yor Yor 1974